User Ratings

Create or Update One Rating

PUT users/<str:user_id>/ratings/<str:item_id>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend

This endpoint allows you to create or update a rating for a user and an item. If the rating exists for the tuple (user_id, item_id) then it is updated, otherwise it is created. The taste profile of the user will be updated in real-time by the online machine learning algorithm.

Request JSON Object
  • rating (float32) – [min: 1 max: 10] Rating value

  • timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Rating timestamp (default: now)

      "rating": 8.5,
      "timestamp": 1588812345

Delete One Rating

DELETE users/<str:user_id>/ratings/<str:item_id>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend

Delete a single rating for a given user.


  • NotFoundError with error name USER_RATING_NOT_FOUND if the user does not have a rating for this item

List All Ratings of One User

GET users/<str:user_id>/ratings/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

This endpoint allows you to list the ratings of one user. The response is paginated, you can control the response amount and offset using the query parameters amt and page.

Query Parameters
  • page (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Page to be listed.

  • amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1 max: 64] Amount of ratings to return

Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more pages to request

  • next_page (int) – Next page to request

  • user_ratings (object-array) –

    Ratings array

    Inner fields
    • item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID

    • rating (float32) – [min: 1 max: 10] Rating value

    • timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Rating timestamp

      "has_next": false,
      "next_page": 2,
      "user_ratings": [
          {"item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "rating": 8.5, "timestamp": 1588812345},
          {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "rating": 2.0, "timestamp": 1588854321}

Create or Update Many Ratings for One User in Bulk

PUT users/<str:user_id>/ratings/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend

Create or update bulks of ratings for a single user and many items.

Request JSON Object
  • ratings (object-array) –

    Ratings array

    Inner fields
    • item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID

    • rating (float32) – [min: 1 max: 10] Rating value

    • timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Rating timestamp

      "ratings": [
          {"item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "rating": 8.5, "timestamp": 1588812345},
          {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "rating": 2.0, "timestamp": 1588854321}

Delete All Ratings of Single User

DELETE users/<str:user_id>/ratings/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend

Delete all ratings of a given user.

Create or Update Ratings for Many Users in Bulk

PUT ratings-bulk/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Create or update large bulks of ratings for many users and many items.

Request JSON Object
  • ratings (object-array) –

    Ratings array

    Inner fields
    • user_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] User ID

    • item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID

    • rating (float32) – [min: 1 max: 10] Rating value

    • timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Rating timestamp

      "ratings": [
          {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "rating": 8.5, "timestamp": 1588812345},
          {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "rating": 2.0, "timestamp": 1588854321},
          {"user_id": 333, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "rating": 5.5, "timestamp": 1588811111}

List Ratings for All Users In Bulk

GET ratings-bulk/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

This endpoint allows you to list the ratings of one database. The response is paginated, you can control the response amount and offset using the query parameters amt and cursor.

Query Parameters
  • amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Amount of ratings to return

  • cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the next_cursor value from the previous response

Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • ratings (object-array) –

    Ratings array

    Inner fields
    • user_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] User ID

    • item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID

    • rating (float32) – [min: 1 max: 10] Rating value

    • timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Rating timestamp

  • has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more ratings to request

  • next_cursor (string) – Pagination cursor to use in next request to get more ratings

      "has_next": true,
      "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp...",
      "ratings": [
          {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "rating": 8.5, "timestamp": 1588812345},
          {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "rating": 2.0, "timestamp": 1588854321},
          {"user_id": 333, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "rating": 5.5, "timestamp": 1588811111}