User Interactions¶
Create One User Interaction¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend
This endpoint allows you to create a new interaction for a user and an item. An inferred rating will be created or updated for the tuple
(user_id, item_id)
. The taste profile of the user will then be updated in real-time by the online machine learning algorithm.Note: In case the session has already been resolved, the response will include a warning
- Request JSON Object
interaction_type (string) – [max-length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp (default: now)
properties (object) – Optional. Additional data in interactions
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": { "revenue": 19.95 } }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
ServerUnavailable with error name
if no “implicit-to-explicit” parameters have been set for this database
Create Interactions for a User in Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend
Create a small bulk of interactions for a single user and many items. Inferred ratings will be created or updated for all tuples
(user_id, item_id)
.- Request JSON Object
interactions (object-array) –
Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "interactions": [ {"item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
ServerUnavailable with error name
if no “implicit-to-explicit” parameters have been set for this database
List Interactions of One User In Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
This endpoint allows you to list the interactions of one user. The response is paginated, you can control the response amount and offset using the query parameters
.- Query Parameters
amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Maximal amount of interactions to return
cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the
value of the previous response
EXAMPLE QUERY PARAMS¶?amt=3&cursor=F25pU1vHb1LjSEp...
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more interactions to request
next_cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, to use in next request to get more interactions
interactions (object-array) –
User’s Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
EXAMPLE RESPONSE¶{ "has_next": true, "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp...", "interactions": [ {"item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"page": "cart"}}, ] }
Create Interactions for Many Users in Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
Create large bulks of interactions for many users and many items. Inferred ratings will be created or updated for all tuples
(user_id, item_id)
.Note: In case sessions id has already been resolved, they will be created and returned in warnings param
- Request JSON Object
interactions (object-array) –
Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
user_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] User ID
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "interactions": [ {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"user_id": 333, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
ServerUnavailable with error name
if no “implicit-to-explicit” parameters have been set for this database
List Interactions for All Users In Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
This endpoint allows you to list the interactions of one database. The response is paginated, you can control the response amount and offset using the query parameters
.- Parameters
allow filtering out interactions outside of a specified time frame.
- Even when a small time-frame is specified, a full database scan is
performed; in this case, most batches will contain little to no interaction.
- Query Parameters
amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Maximal amount of interactions to return
cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the
value of the previous responsestart_timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Start timestamp of interactions to fetch
end_timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] End timestamp of interactions to fetch
EXAMPLE QUERY PARAMS¶?amt=10&cursor=F25pU1vHb1LjSEp...&start_timestamp=1588811110.9&end_timestamp=1588854321.1
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more interactions to request
next_cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, to use in next request to get more interactions
interactions (object-array) –
Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
user_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] User ID
EXAMPLE RESPONSE¶{ "has_next": true, "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp...", "interactions": [ {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"user_id": 1234, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"user_id": 333, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
WrongData if both start_timestamp and end_timestamp are provided and start_timestamp >= end_timestamp
- Parameters
Delete Interactions and Ratings for Many Users¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
Delete all interactions and ratings for many users.
The deletion is done in a background task.
- Response JSON Object
users_id (ID-array) – Users IDs
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "users_id": [ "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d" ] }
Create One Anonymous Session Interaction¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend
This endpoint allows you to create a new interaction for an anonymous session and an item.
- Request JSON Object
interaction_type (string) – [max-length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp (default: now)
properties (object) – Optional. Additional data in interactions
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": { "revenue": 19.95 } }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
Create Interactions for an Anonymous Session in Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend
Create a small bulk of interactions for a single anonymous session and many items.
- Request JSON Object
interactions (object-array) –
Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "interactions": [ {"item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
List Interactions of one Anonymous Session In Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
This endpoint allows you to list the interactions of one anonymous session. The response is paginated, you can control the response amount and offset using the query parameters
.- Query Parameters
amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Maximal amount of interactions to return
cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the
value of the previous response
EXAMPLE QUERY PARAMS¶?amt=3&cursor=F25pU1vHb1LjSEp...
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more interactions to request
next_cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, to use in next request to get more interactions
interactions (object-array) –
Anonymous Sessions Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
session_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Anonymous Session ID
EXAMPLE RESPONSE¶{ "has_next": true, "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp...", "interactions": [ { "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588854321, , "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
Create Interactions for Many Anonymous Sessions in Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
Create large bulks of interactions for many anonymous sessions and many items.
- Request JSON Object
interactions (object-array) –
Anonymous Session Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
session_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Anonymous Session ID
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "interactions": [ {"session_id": 1234, "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"session_id": 1234, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"session_id": 333, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
List Interactions for All Anonymous Sessions In Bulk¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
List the anonymous session interactions of a database. The response being paginated, you control its size and offset using the query parameters
.- Parameters
allow filtering out interactions outside of a specified time frame.
- Query Parameters
amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Maximal amount of interactions to return
cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the
value of the previous responsestart_timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Start timestamp of interactions to fetch
end_timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] End timestamp of interactions to fetch
EXAMPLE QUERY PARAMS¶?amt=10&cursor=F25pU1vHb1LjSEp...&start_timestamp=1588811110.9&end_timestamp=1588854321.1
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more interactions to request
next_cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, to use in next request to get more interactions
interactions (object-array) –
Anonymous Sessions Interactions array
Inner fields
item_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Item ID
interaction_type (O) – [max-len:64chars], [max_length: 64] Interaction type
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Interaction timestamp
properties (object-array) – (additional fields may be present) Additional data in interactions
session_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Anonymous Session ID
EXAMPLE RESPONSE¶{ "has_next": true, "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp...", "interactions": [ {"session_id": 1234, "item_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588812345, "properties": {"page": "home"}}, {"session_id": 1234, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "addToCart", "timestamp": 1588854321, "properties": {"page": "pdp"}}, {"session_id": 333, "item_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "interaction_type": "productView", "timestamp": 1588811111, "properties": {"revenue": 19.95}} ] }
WrongData if both start_timestamp and end_timestamp are provided and start_timestamp >= end_timestamp
- Parameters
Resolve One Anonymous Session¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
This endpoint allows you to resolve an anonymous session with a user. One user can have many anonymous sessions, but an anonymous session can be resolved to a single user.
This endpoint is called from the backend only. When you need to send a new auth token to the frontend after an anonymous user logging-in, is it simpler to resolve and get a new token using
POST login/service/
providing both the newfrontend_user_id
and the oldfrontend_session_id
.- Request JSON Object
user_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] User ID
timestamp (float64) – Optional. [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Resolved anonymous session timestamp. Default current time.
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "timestamp": 1588812345 }
WrongData if the anonymous session was previously resolved
List All Resolved Sessions In Pages¶
¶ Note
Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend
List anonymous sessions resolved. It is possible filter by users ids. The response being paginated, you control its size and offset using the query parameters
.- Request JSON Object
users_id (ID-array) – Optional. Users IDs
amt (int) – Optional. [min: 1] Maximal amount per page
cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the
value of the previous response
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY¶{ "users_id": [ "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d" ], "amt": 10, "cursor": "F25pU1vHb1LjSEp..." }
- Response JSON Object
warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings
resolved_sessions (object-array) –
Resolved Anonymous Sessions array
Inner fields
session_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] Anonymous Session ID
user_id (ID) – [see Flexible Identifiers], [max_length: 64] User ID
timestamp (float64) – [min: -150000000000.0 (year -2786) max: 3500000000.0 (year 2080)] Resolved timestamp
has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more anonymous sessions to request
next_cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, to use in next request to get more anonymous sessions
EXAMPLE RESPONSE¶{ "has_next": true, "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp...", "resolved_sessions": [ {"session_id": 1234, "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "timestamp": 1588812345}, {"session_id": 5678, "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "timestamp": 1588854321}, {"session_id": 333, "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d", "timestamp": 1588811111} ] }