Users Data and Properties

List All User-Properties

GET users-properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend, frontend

Get all user-properties for the current database.

Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • properties (list-of-object) –

    All properties

    Inner fields
    • property_name (string) – [max-length: 64] Property name. Only alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores or hyphens are allowed. The names ‘item_id’ and ‘user_id’ are reserved

    • value_type (string) – [max-length: 10] Property type [see Property Types]

    • repeated (bool) – Whether the property has many values

    • metadata (json-value) – Metadata, unvalidated JSON

    • indexed (bool) – Whether the property is indexed for filters

      "properties": [
              "property_name": "age",
              "value_type": "int8",
              "repeated": false,
              "indexed": true,
              "metadata": {}
              "property_name": "subscriptions",
              "value_type": "unicode32",
              "repeated": true,
              "indexed": false,
              "metadata": {}

Create New User-Property

POST users-properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Create a new user-property, identified by property_name (case-insensitive).

Request JSON Object
  • property_name (string) – [max-length: 64] Property name. Only alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores or hyphens are allowed. The names ‘item_id’ and ‘user_id’ are reserved

  • value_type (string) – [max-length: 10] Property type [see Property Types]

  • repeated (bool) – Optional. Whether the property has many values

  • metadata (json-value) – Optional. Metadata, unvalidated JSON

  • indexed (bool) – Optional. Whether the property is indexed for filters

      "property_name": "age",
      "value_type": "int8",
      "repeated": false,
      "metadata": {"flag": true}


  • DuplicatedError with error name DUPLICATED_USER_PROPERTY if a user property with the same name already exists

  • WrongData with error name WRONG_DATA_TYPE if value_type is invalid

Get One User-Property

GET users-properties/<str:property_name>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Get one user-property given its property_name.

Response JSON Object
  • property_name (string) – [max-length: 64] Property name. Only alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores or hyphens are allowed. The names ‘item_id’ and ‘user_id’ are reserved

  • value_type (string) – [max-length: 10] Property type [see Property Types]

  • repeated (bool) – Optional. Whether the property has many values

  • metadata (json-value) – Optional. Metadata, unvalidated JSON

  • indexed (bool) – Optional. Whether the property is indexed for filters

      "property_name": "age",
      "value_type": "int8",
      "repeated": false,
      "indexed": false,
      "metadata": {}


  • NotFoundError with error name USER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND if the property name cannot be found

Delete User-Property

DELETE users-properties/<str:property_name>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Delete an user-property given by its name


  • NotFoundError with error name USER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND if the property name cannot be found

Get Properties of One User

GET users/<str:user_id>/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Get property values of one user given its ID.

Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • user (object) – User data

      "user": {
          "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
          "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"],
          "age": 25


  • NotFoundError with error name USER_NOT_FOUND if no user with the given user_id can be found

Create or Replace Properties of One User

PUT users/<str:user_id>/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Create property values for one user, or replace them if the user_id already exists.

All property types need to be defined beforehand, see Items and Users Properties.

Note that user_id cannot be a “null” or “falsy” value, such as empty string or 0.

Request JSON Object
  • user (object) – User data

  • wait_for_completion (bool) – Optional. Default is true to wait for completion and respond with 200 OK. Set to false to respond immediately with 202 Accepted after validation, and process asynchronously in the background. The background process may take 30 seconds to start, and there is no way to get notified when the process is complete. No validation of users properties values is done beforehand, the background task may fail silently.


      "user": {
          "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"],
          "age": 25


  • WrongData with error name WRONG_DATA_TYPE if the properties are invalid

Partial Update Properties of One User

PATCH users/<str:user_id>/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Partially update some property values of one user. The properties that are not listed in the request body will be left unchanged. The list of values given for repeated properties will replace (not append) the previous list of values.

Use the body parameter create_if_missing to control whether an error should be returned or a new user should be created when the user_id does not already exist.

All property types need to be defined beforehand, see Items and Users Properties.

Note that user_id cannot be a “null” or “falsy” value, such as empty string or 0.

Request JSON Object
  • user (object) – User data

  • create_if_missing (bool) – Optional. Create user that does not exist


      "user": {
          "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"],
          "age": 25
      "create_if_missing": false
Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • user_created (bool) – Indicates if the user was created

  • user_modified (bool) – Indicates if the user was modified

      "user_created": true,
      "user_modified": false


  • WrongData with error name WRONG_DATA_TYPE if the properties are invalid

  • NotFoundError only when create_if_missing=False with error name USER_NOT_FOUND if no user with the given user_id can be found

Delete Properties of One User

DELETE users/<str:user_id>/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Delete property values of one user given its ID. Ratings and interactions are not deleted.

Create or Replace Properties of Many Users in Bulk

PUT users-bulk/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Create property values for many users in bulk, or update the ones for which the user_id already exist.

All property types need to be defined beforehand, see Items and Users Properties.

Note that user_id cannot be a “null” or “falsy” value, such as empty string or 0.

Request JSON Object
  • users (object-array) –

    (additional fields may be present) Users values

    Inner fields

  • users_m2m (list-of-object) –

    Optional. Users repeated values in array-optimized many-to-many format for binary clients [see Repeated Values]

    Inner fields
    • name (string) – [max-length: 64] M2M name

    • array (object-array) – M2M array

      Inner fields
      • user_index (uint32) – User index (0-based)

      • value_id (any) – M2M related object ID

  • wait_for_completion (bool) – Optional. Default is true to wait for completion and respond with 200 OK. Set to false to respond immediately with 202 Accepted after validation, and process asynchronously in the background. The background process may take 30 seconds to start, and there is no way to get notified when the process is complete. No validation of users properties values is done beforehand, the background task may fail silently.

      "users": [
              "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
              "age": 25,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"]
              "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d",
              "age": 32,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1"]
EXAMPLE QUERY BODY (array-optimized format for binary client)
      "users": [
              "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
              "age": 25
              "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d",
              "age": 32
      "users_m2m": [
              "name": "subscriptions",
              "array": [
                  {"user_index": 0, "value_id": "channel1"},
                  {"user_index": 0, "value_id": "channel2"},
                  {"user_index": 1, "value_id": "channel1"}

Note that we represent the arrow-optimized using JSON for reability, but you should use a binary array instead


  • WrongData with error name WRONG_DATA_TYPE if the properties are invalid

  • DuplicatedError with error name DUPLICATED_USER_ID if a user_id occurs multiple times in the same request

List Properties of All Users in Bulk

GET users-bulk/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Get property values of multiple users by page. The response is paginated, you can control the response amount and offset using the query parameters amt and cursor.

Note that the array-optimized format users_m2m for repeated values is used only for binary clients. Otherwise (e.g. JSON client), the repeated values are formatted as lists in each individual users.

Query Parameters
  • amt (int) – Optional. [max: 500] Maximum amount of users returned, by default is 300

  • cursor (string) – Optional. Pagination cursor, typically from the next_cursor value from the previous response

  • properties (list-of-string) – Optional. Names of properties to fetch (by default, all properties are fetched)

  • filters (list-of-object) –

    Optional. Filter on user properties [see Filtering on Item Property]

    Inner fields
    • property_name (string) – User-property name

    • op (enum) – choices: [eq, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, notempty, neq, notin, ftsearch] Filter Operator

    • value (json-value) – Filter Value

Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • users (object-array) –

    (additional fields may be present) Users values

    Inner fields

  • users_m2m (list-of-object) –

    Users repeated values in array-optimized many-to-many format for binary clients [see Repeated Values]

    Inner fields
    • name (string) – [max-length: 64] M2M name

    • array (object-array) – M2M array

      Inner fields
      • user_index (uint32) – User index (0-based)

      • value_id (any) – M2M related object ID

  • has_next (bool) – Indicates whether or not there are more users to request

  • next_cursor (string) – Pagination cursor to use in next request to get more users

      "users": [
              "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
              "age": 25,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"]
              "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d",
              "age": 32,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1"]
      "has_next": true,
      "next_cursor": "Q21vU1pHb1FjSEp..."

Partial Update Properties of Many Users in Bulk

PATCH users-bulk/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Partially update some property values of many users. The properties that are not listed in the request body will be left unchanged. The list of values given for repeated properties will replace (not append) the previous list of values.

Use the body parameter create_if_missing to control whether an error should be returned or new users should be created when the user_id does not already exist.

All property types need to be defined beforehand, see Items and Users Properties.

Note that user_id cannot be a “null” or “falsy” value, such as empty string or 0.

Request JSON Object
  • users (object-array) –

    (additional fields may be present) Users values

    Inner fields

  • users_m2m (list-of-object) –

    Optional. Users repeated values in array-optimized many-to-many format for binary clients [see Repeated Values]

    Inner fields
    • name (string) – [max-length: 64] M2M name

    • array (object-array) – M2M array

      Inner fields
      • user_index (uint32) – User index (0-based)

      • value_id (any) – M2M related object ID

  • wait_for_completion (bool) – Optional. Default is true to wait for completion and respond with 200 OK. Set to false to respond immediately with 202 Accepted after validation, and process asynchronously in the background. The background process may take 30 seconds to start, and there is no way to get notified when the process is complete. No validation of users properties values is done beforehand, the background task may fail silently.

  • create_if_missing (bool) – Optional. Create users that do not exist

      "users": [
              "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
              "age": 25,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"]
              "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d",
              "age": 32,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1"]
      "create_if_missing": false


  • WrongData with error name WRONG_DATA_TYPE if the properties are invalid

  • DuplicatedError with error name DUPLICATED_USER_ID if a user_id occurs multiple times in the same request

  • NotFoundError only when create_if_missing=False with error name USER_NOT_FOUND if at least one user with the given user_id cannot be found

Delete Properties of Many Users in Bulk

DELETE users-bulk/properties/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Delete property values of many users in bulk. Ratings and interactions are not deleted.

Request JSON Object
  • users_id (ID-array) – Users IDs

      "users_id": [

List Properties of Many Users by ID

POST users-bulk/properties/list/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

Get property values of multiple users given their IDs. Note that the HTTP verb is POST so that users ids can be sent in the body, but the endpoint is stateless as GET.

The users in the response are not aligned with the input. In particular this endpoint does not respond with 404 if any user in missing. Instead, the missing users are simply not present in the response.

Note that the array-optimized format users_m2m for repeated values is used only for binary clients. Otherwise (e.g. JSON client), the repeated values are formatted as lists in each individual users.

Request JSON Object
  • users_id (ID-array) – Users IDs

  • properties (list-of-string) – Optional. Names of properties to fetch (by default, all properties are fetched)

      "users_id": [
Response JSON Object
  • warnings (list-of-string) – Optional. List of warnings

  • users (object-array) –

    (additional fields may be present) Users values

    Inner fields

  • users_m2m (list-of-object) –

    Users repeated values in array-optimized many-to-many format for binary clients [see Repeated Values]

    Inner fields
    • name (string) – [max-length: 64] M2M name

    • array (object-array) – M2M array

      Inner fields
      • user_index (uint32) – User index (0-based)

      • value_id (any) – M2M related object ID

      "users": [
              "user_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
              "age": 25,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1", "channel2"]
              "user_id": "c3391d83-553b-40e7-818e-fcf658ec397d",
              "age": 32,
              "subscriptions": ["channel1"]

[Deprecated] Get Properties of One User

GET users/<str:user_id>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See GET users/<str:user_id>/properties/

[Deprecated] Create or Replace One User

PUT users/<str:user_id>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See PUT users/<str:user_id>/properties/

[Deprecated] Partial Update One User

PATCH users/<str:user_id>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See PATCH users/<str:user_id>/properties/

[Deprecated] Delete One User

DELETE users/<str:user_id>/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend

[Deprecated] Create or Replace Many Users in Bulk

PUT users-bulk/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See PUT users-bulk/properties/

[Deprecated] List Properties of All Users in Bulk

GET users-bulk/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See GET users-bulk/properties/

[Deprecated] Partial Update Many Users in Bulk

PATCH users-bulk/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See PATCH users-bulk/properties/

[Deprecated] Delete Many Users in Bulk

DELETE users-bulk/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See DELETE users-bulk/properties/

[Deprecated] List Properties of Many Users by ID

POST users-bulk/list/


Authorized Roles: root, manager, backend



See POST users-bulk/properties/list/